Sökresultat - (((ewert OR ((warmt OR arm) OR wait)) OR vars) OR (((are OR more) OR vart) OR var)) musicological,
Rekommenderade teman
Rekommenderade teman
- Musik 6
- historia 5
- History and criticism 4
- Musikvetenskap 4
- Music 3
- Social aspects 3
- Identitet 2
- Medeltiden 2
- Musicology 2
- Musikfilosofi 2
- Tonsättare 2
- Ambrosiansk sång 1
- Antifonale 1
- Arabisk musik 1
- Blåsinstrument 1
- Canon (Musical form) 1
- Composition (Music) 1
- Countertenor (röst) 1
- Electric distortion 1
- Etnicitet 1
- Falsett (röst) 1
- Folk literature, Icelandic 1
- Folk music 1
- Folk poetry, Icelandic 1
- Folk songs, Icelandic 1
- Folkvisor 1
- Förintelsen 1
- Gender 1
- Gender identity 1
- Genus 1
Menade du:
- ewert »
- warmt »
- wait »
- vars »
- are »
- more »
- vart »
Musicological identities : essays in honor of Susan McClary
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Aldershot : Ashgate, 2008
Fysisk beskrivning: xxiv, 264 s. 24 cm
Språk: Engelska
Critical musicological reflections : essays in honour of Derek B. Scott
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Farnham, Surrey ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2012
Fysisk beskrivning: xxiv, 257 s. : ill., musiknoter ; 25 cm.
Språk: Engelska
Musicological studies and documents.
Format: Tidskrift
Publicerad: Rome : American Institute of Musicology, 1951-
Språk: Flera språk
Borderline areas in fourteenth and fifteenth-century music = Grenzbereiche in der Musik des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Münster ; Middleton [Wis.] : American Institute of Musicology, c2009
Fysisk beskrivning: xi, 253 s. ill., musiknoter 27 cm.
Språk: Engelska, Tyska, Italienska, Franska, Spanska
The six anonymous L'homme armé masses in Naples, Biblioteca nazionale, MS VI E 40
Format: Bok
Publicerad: [Rome] : American Institute of Musicology, 1968
Fysisk beskrivning: 80 s. : ill., musiknoter
Språk: Engelska
An early fifteenth-century Italian source of keyboard music the codex Faenza, Biblioteca communale, 117 : a facsimile edition
Format: Noter
Publicerad: [Rome] : American Institute of Musicology, 1961
Fysisk beskrivning: 112 s. : huvudsakligen faks.
Språk: Engelska
Cathedral, city and cloister : essays on manuscripts, music and art in old and new worlds
Format: BokInnehåll: “…Olson ; The Libro de la Regla Vieja of the Cathedral of Seville as a musicological source / Juan Ruiz Jiménez.…”
Publicerad: Ottawa : The Institute of Mediaeval Music, cop. 2011
Fysisk beskrivning: xvi, 288 s., ill., musiknoter
Språk: Engelska
Hymns of the medieval Ambrosian liturgy with melodies from the earliest sources
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Kitchener, Ontario : The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2020, ©2020
Fysisk beskrivning: 176 sidor illustrationer, musiknoter 28 cm
Språk: Engelska, Latin
Historia Sancti Iohannis Evangeliste (traditionibus Leodiensis et Boscoducis)
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Kitchener, Ontario : The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2021, ©2021
Fysisk beskrivning: lxi, 41 sidor illustrationer, musiknoter 31 cm
Språk: Engelska, Latin
Virtual works -- actual things : essays in music ontology
Format: Bok“…What are musical works? How are they constructed in our minds? …”
Publicerad: Leuven : Leuven University Press, [2018], ©2018
Fysisk beskrivning: 188 sidor musiknoter
Språk: Engelska
Popular musicology and identity : essays in honour of Stan Hawkins
Upplaga: First published 2021“…Placing primacy on mapping sociocultural structures against the particularities of musical aesthetics, this book defines popular musicology as less characterised by the musical idioms or historical periods that are studied or the methodological tools that are employed, and more so by a willingness to attend to the plural analytical and interpretive possibilities afforded by musical experiences. …”
Format: Bok
Publicerad: London ; New York : Routledge, 2021, ©2021
Fysisk beskrivning: xviii, 224 sidor illustrationer, musiknoter 25 cm
Språk: Engelska
Répertoire international des sources musicales. A. 2, Manuscrits musicaux après 1600. Catalogue thématique [Elektronisk resurs] = Music manuscripts after 1600. Thematic catalogue =...
Format: Bok
Publicerad: München : Saur, 1995-
Fysisk beskrivning: 1 CD-ROM + 1 manual (lösblad)
Språk: Franska, Engelska, Tyska
The complete works of William Billings Volume 4 The continental harmony (1794)
Föredragen titel: Samlade verk
Format: Noter, läsesalslån; Noter
Publicerad: Boston : The American Musicological Society, [1990], ©1990
Fysisk beskrivning: 1 partitur (lxxii, 331 sidor) faksimil
Språk: Engelska
Benjamin britten studies : essays on an inexplicit art
Format: Bok“…Using the most recent and innovative historical, musicological, sociological, psychological, and theoretical methodologies, the authors take off the "protective arm" around Britten and disclose an unprecedented amount of previously unpublished and disregarded primary source materials. …”
Publicerad: Woodbridge : The Boydell Press, 2017
Fysisk beskrivning: xxviii, 526 sidor : illustrationer, musiknoter
Språk: Engelska
Icelandic men and me : sagas of singing, self and everyday life
Format: Bok“…Their sagas of song and singing are the subject of this book. The original Icelandic Sagas - among the most important collections of medieval European literature - are valued for richly detailed portrayals of individual lives. …”
Publicerad: Farnham ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, cop. 2013
Fysisk beskrivning: 239 s. 1 CD
Språk: Engelska
The collected essays of Milton Babbitt
Format: BokInnehåll: “…Synthesizer (1964) ; The Structure and Function of Musical Theory (1965) ; The Uses of Computers in Musicological Research (1965) ; Edgard Varese : A Few Observations of His Music (1966) ; Three Essays on Schoenberg (1968) ; On Relata I (1970) ; Contribution to The Composer in Academia : Reflections on a Theme of Stravinsky (1970) ; Memorial for Matyas Seiber (1970) ; Stravinsky Memorial (1971) ; Contemporary Musical Composition and Musical Theory as Contemporary Intellectual History (1972) ; Memorial for Stefan Wolpe (1972) ; Since Schoenberg (1974) ; Celebrative Speech for the Schoenberg Centennial (1976) ; Responses: A First Approximation (1976) ; Introduction to Marion Bauer, Twentieth Century Music (1978) ; Foreword to David Epstein, Beyond Orpheus (1979) ; Memorial for Ben Weber (1979) ; Memorial for Robert Miller (1981) ; The More than the Sounds of Music (1984) ; I Remember Roger (1985) ; All the Things They Are…”
Publicerad: Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2003
Fysisk beskrivning: 517 s. : musiknoter
Språk: Engelska
Dmitrij Šostakovič : Notografičeskij spravočnik v 3 vypuskach : Vypusk 1 : Ot rannich sočinenij do simfonij No 4 op. 43 (1914-1936)
Format: Bok, endast läsesalslån; Bok
Publicerad: Sankt-Peterburg : Kompozitor, cop. 2016
Fysisk beskrivning: 351 s.
Språk: Ryska
The supernatural voice : a history of high male singing
Format: BokInnehåll: “…The discovery of Alfred Deller ; An inartistic trick: physiology and terminology ; The ancient world to the Middle ages ; A famine in tenors: the historically developing human larynx ; Renaissance Europe ; Are we too loud? The impact of volume on singing styles ; Late medieval and Renaissance England ; Reserved Spaniards: cultural stereotypes and the high male voice ; Baroque Europe ; Into man's estate: changing boys' voices and nascent falsettists ; Baroque England ; A musicological red herring: the etymology of the counter-tenor ; The nineteenth century ; The bearded lady: gender identity and falsetto ; The early twentieth century ; The angel's voice: falsetto in popular music ; The modern counter-tenor…”
Publicerad: Woodbridge, UK : The Boydell Press, 2014
Fysisk beskrivning: ix, 244 s. ill., musiknoter 24 cm
Språk: Engelska
The discourse of musicology
Format: Bok“…Considers issues that are central to recent debates about the nature and direction of contemporary musicology. …”
Publicerad: Aldershot : Ashgate, 2006
Språk: Engelska
The music of Joni Mitchell
Format: Bok“…Whitesell presents a through exploration of Mitchell's musical style, sound, and structure in order to evaluate her songs from a musicological perspective. His analyses are conceived within a holistic framework that takes account of poetic nuance, cultural reference, and stylistic evolution over a long, adventurous career. …”
Publicerad: New York : Oxford University Press, 2008
Fysisk beskrivning: 276 s. : musiknoter
Språk: Engelska