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Rekommenderade teman
- Musikvetenskap 18
- Musik 14
- Music 12
- historia 12
- History and criticism 11
- Musicology 8
- Musikhistoria 6
- Populärmusik 6
- teori, filosofi 6
- Musiketnologi 4
- musik 4
- History 3
- Ljud 3
- Musikanalys 3
- Musikkritik 3
- Musikundervisning 3
- Philosophy and aesthetics 3
- Social aspects 3
- Datorer och musik 2
- Datormusik 2
- Ethnomusicology 2
- Historiografi 2
- Klangfärg 2
- Komposition (musik) 2
- Medeltiden 2
- Musiker 2
- Musikestetik 2
- Musikfilosofi 2
- Musiksociologi 2
- Musikteori 2
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Musicology : the key concepts
Upplaga: Second edition.Innehåll: “…Absolute -- Aesthetics -- Alterity -- Analysis -- Authenticity -- Autobiography -- Autonomy -- Avant-garde -- Biography (life and work) -- Body -- Canon -- Class -- Cold War -- Confict (music and conflict) -- Consciousness --Cover version -- Creativity -- Critical musicology -- Critical theory -- Criticism -- Cultural studies -- Culture -- Culture industry -- Decadence -- Deconstruction -- Diegetic/nondiegetic -- Disability -- Discourse -- Ecomusicology -- Emotion -- Enlightenment -- Ethics (msuic and ethics) -- Ethnicity -- Feminism -- Film music -- Form -- Formalism -- Gay musicology -- Gender -- Genius -- Genre -- Gesture -- Globalization -- Hermeneutics -- Historical musicology -- Historicism -- Historiography -- Hybridity -- Identity -- Ideology -- Influence -- Interpretation -- Intertextuality -- Jazz -- Landscape -- Language -- Lateness (late works/late style) -- Listening -- Marxism -- Meaning -- Metaphor -- Modernism -- Narrative -- Nationalism -- New musicology -- 9/11 -- Organicism -- Orientalism -- Performance -- Periodization -- Place -- Politics (music and politics) -- Popular music -- Popular musicology -- Postivism -- Post-colonial/postcolonialism -- Postmodernism -- Post-structuralism -- Psychology -- Race -- Reception -- Recording -- Renaissance -- Romanticism -- Semiotics -- Sketch -- Sound/soundscape/sound studies -- Stance -- Structuralism -- Style -- Subject position -- Subjectivity -- Sublime -- Theory -- Tradition -- Value -- Work.…”
Format: Bok
Publicerad: New York, NY ; Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2016, ©2016
Fysisk beskrivning: xv, 360 pages 22 cm
Språk: Engelska
Empirical musicology : aims, methods, prospects
Format: Bok“…A practical guide to empirical approaches that are ready for incorporation in the contemporary musicologist's toolkit, including perspectives from music theory, computational musicology, ethnomusicology, and the psychology and sociology of music.…”
Publicerad: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004
Fysisk beskrivning: 229 s. : ill., musiknoter
Språk: Engelska
Comparative musicology revisited
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Warzsawa : Kwartalnik Instytutu Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2009
Språk: Svenska
Computing in musicology : a directory of research. 13, Music query : methods, models, and user studies
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, cop. 2004
Fysisk beskrivning: 183 s : ill., musiknoter
Språk: Engelska
Computing in musicology : a directory of research. 15 Tonal theory for the digital age
Format: TidskriftCCARH Publications: Computing in Musicology, Vol. 15
Publicerad: 2004, Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press, cop. 2008
Språk: Engelska
Digital resources for musicology
Format: Webbresurs“…Neither the links or their descriptions are exhaustive.…”
Publicerad: Stanford, Calif. : Center for Assisted Research in the Humanities, 2014-
Fysisk beskrivning: 1 online resource
Språk: Engelska
Fritt tillgan̈glig pa I̊nternet
Popular musicology and identity : essays in honour of Stan Hawkins
Upplaga: First published 2021“…Placing primacy on mapping sociocultural structures against the particularities of musical aesthetics, this book defines popular musicology as less characterised by the musical idioms or historical periods that are studied or the methodological tools that are employed, and more so by a willingness to attend to the plural analytical and interpretive possibilities afforded by musical experiences. …”
Format: Bok
Publicerad: London ; New York : Routledge, 2021, ©2021
Fysisk beskrivning: xviii, 224 sidor illustrationer, musiknoter 25 cm
Språk: Engelska
The discourse of musicology
Format: Bok“…Considers issues that are central to recent debates about the nature and direction of contemporary musicology. …”
Publicerad: Aldershot : Ashgate, 2006
Språk: Engelska
Systematic and comparative musicology : concepts, methods, findings
Format: BokInnehåll: “…: a perspective on disciplinary and scientific developments -- Marc Leman: Systematic Musicology at the crossroads of modern music research -- Rolf Inge Godøy: Reflections on chunking in music -- Daniel Müllensiefen, Geraint Wiggins, David Lewis: High-level feature descriptors and corpus-based musicology : techniques for modelling music cognition -- Klaus Frieler: Metrical circle map and metrical Markov chains -- Christiane Neuhaus: Auditory Gestalt perception and the dissociation between pitch and time : ERP studies on processing musical sequence structure -- Rolf Bader Efficient auditory coding of a xylophone bar -- Arne von Ruschkowski: Loudness war -- Markus Abel: Synchronization of organ pipes -- Andreas Beurmann, Albrecht Schneider: Acoustics of the harpsichord : a case study -- Kai Lothwesen: Systematic Musicology and music education : an empirical investigation into research topics in German music education -- Comparative Musicology and Ethnomusicology: Bruno Nettl: Comparative study and comparative musicology : comments on disciplinary history -- Tiago de Oliveira Pinto: Music and the Tropics : on goals and achievements of Ethnomusicology in Brazil -- Jukka Louhivuri: Lutheran hymn singing in African context : Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren vs. …”
Publicerad: Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2008
Fysisk beskrivning: 444 s. : ill., musiknoter
Språk: Tyska
The canzone villanesca alla napolitana and related forms, 1537-1570
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI Research Press, cop. 1981
Fysisk beskrivning: 2 vol. (317 ; 93, [186] s.)
Språk: Engelska
Critical essays in popular musicology
Format: Bok“…The essays are divided into two parts - those that articulate the key questions of popular musicology, which discuss contexts for addressing texts, and those that demonstrate the discipline in practice, which actually address those texts.…”
Publicerad: Aldershot : Ashgate, 2007
Fysisk beskrivning: 608 s. : ill., musiknoter
Språk: Engelska
Perspectives on music, sound and musicology : research, education and practice
Format: Bok“…"This book gathers a set of works highlighting significant advances in the areas of music and sound. They report on innovative music technologies, acoustics, findings in musicology, new perspectives and techniques for composition, sound design and sound synthesis, and methods for music education and therapy. …”
Publicerad: Cham : Springer, [2021], ©2021
Fysisk beskrivning: x, 390 sidor illustrationer 24 cm
Språk: Engelska
Wege zur Musikwissenschaft = Paths to Musicology Gründungsphasen im internationalen Vergleich = founding phases in international comparison
Format: BokInhaltstext
Publicerad: Stuttgart : J.B. Metzler, [2018], Kassel : Bärenreiter, [2018], ©2018
Fysisk beskrivning: 240 Seiten Illustrationen
Språk: Tyska, Engelska
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Sounds of war and peace : soundscapes of European cities in 1945
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Berlin : Peter Lang, [2018], 2018
Fysisk beskrivning: 268 sidor illustrationer
Språk: Engelska
Early Post-War Polish Folk Music Recordings
Format: Inspelad musikKontakta Visarkivet om du vill ta del av detta material
Finns i: Fonogramsamlingen, Svenskt visarkiv
Publicerad: 2009
Språk: Odefinierat språk
The soundtrack of conflict : the role of music in radio broadcasting in wartime and in conflict situations
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Hildesheim : Georg Olms Verlag, 2013
Fysisk beskrivning: 253 s. 24 cm
Språk: Engelska
Towards a history of the Spanish villancico
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Warren, Mich. : Harmonie Park Press, 1997
Fysisk beskrivning: 233 s. : musiknoter
Språk: Engelska
Theorizing sound writing
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Middletown, Connecticut : Wesleyan University Press, [2017]
Fysisk beskrivning: viii, 319 pages illustrations 23 cm.
Språk: Engelska
Critical musicological reflections : essays in honour of Derek B. Scott
Format: BokInnehåll: “…Virtuosity, a truth of musical performance / Antoine Hennion -- On music criticism and affect: two cases of the disaffected acoustic imaginary / John Richardson -- The development of Bob Dylan's rhythmic sense: 'the times they were a'changin' (1958-1964) / Charlie Ford -- How genres are born, change, die: conventions, communities and diachronic processes / Franco Fabbri -- Anatomy of the encounter: intercultural analysis as relational musicology / Nicholas Cook -- One way of feeling: contextualizing a hermeneutics of spatialization / Allan F. …”
Publicerad: Farnham, Surrey ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2012
Fysisk beskrivning: xxiv, 257 s. : ill., musiknoter ; 25 cm.
Språk: Engelska
Borderline areas in fourteenth and fifteenth-century music = Grenzbereiche in der Musik des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
Format: Bok
Publicerad: Münster ; Middleton [Wis.] : American Institute of Musicology, c2009
Fysisk beskrivning: xi, 253 s. ill., musiknoter 27 cm.
Språk: Engelska, Tyska, Italienska, Franska, Spanska